Head Teacher Pennaeth: Mrs Morteo
Call us Ffioniwch ni: 01656 656447
Hand in hand together we can Law yn llaw fe allwn gyda'n gilydd
Welcome to St David's Church in Wales Primary School
Croeso i Ysgol Gynradd yr Eglwys yng Nghymru Dewi Sant
Nursery Meithrin
Childcare Wrap Around
Homework Timetable

Croeso i Colwinston Childcare.
We are a happy, lively afternoon class of Nursery children.
We attend the school nursery class- Collen in the morning, then stay until 3.30pm in the wraparound provision.
Mrs James is the person in charge and is supported by Mrs Osborn.
We always do our best
We try not to shout out and try to remember to put our hands up.
We share and take turns.
We are kind to each other.
Colwinston Childcare at St David's is a fully registered, afternoon Day Care facility which has has recently been established to meet the needs of our working parents. Our Registration certificate number is: W15/00001671.
Parents of children from 3-4 years are able to apply for a place in our privately run day care from 11.30am to 3.30pm each day. At present we are able to accommodate up to 20 children with a ratio of 1-8 (1:10 during COVID19 Pandemic) children to adults. Our very experienced St David's Meithrin staff run the facility and bring their knowledge of Foundation Phase as well as child development into the provision.
It is expected that the majority of children accessing childcare will also attend our morning Nursery, however we would be willing to consider applications from our ‘Rising 3’s’ who have had their 3rd birthday but as yet haven’t been given a Nursery place (this is subject to availability of places).
From April 2019 parents were eligible to apply for the Welsh Government ’30 hours of part funded childcare for 3-4 year olds’ scheme. Details of this initiative in the Vale of Glamorgan, an eligibility check and how to apply can be found following the link above.
For further information please contact Mrs Hoffrock or the school office, thank you.
We look forward to welcoming you to Colwinston Childcare.
Our Childcare policies, fees and information on application are available below.