Head Teacher Pennaeth: Mrs Morteo
Call us Ffioniwch ni: 01656 656447
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Welcome to St David's Church in Wales Primary School
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Vale Catering has introduced ParentPay to Vale schools.
This online cashless payment system gives parents a more convenient and flexible way to pay and helps to keep children safe. By making cashless payments parents know that money has reached the school safely.
Parents can view their account statements and payment history, check when payments need to be made and set alerts to tell when payment dates are close.
The school messaging system is integrated into ParentPay. It enables emails to be sent from school, prints personalised letters and sends SMS text messages for parents. There’s no charge for the ParentPay Communication Centre, so the school saves money on software fees as well as postage and admin time. It is also more Eco-friendly reducing the need for paper copies.
Please can you ensure that ParentPay has been updated with the email address to which you would prefer all school correspondence to be sent.
Please also update the main mobile number which should be used for SMS text messages, particularly for emergency use.
To log on, click here or on the ParentPay logo.
On the right hand side of the page is the Account Login.
Input your email address and password. (If you have forgotton this, follow their online instructions).