St David's Church in Wales Primary
Vale of Glamorgan
CF71 7NL
Acting Head Teacher Pennaeth: Mr Marc Sinnett
Call us Ffioniwch ni: 01656 656447
Hand in hand together we can Law yn llaw fe allwn gyda'n gilydd
Welcome to St David's Church in Wales Primary School
Croeso i Ysgol Gynradd yr Eglwys yng Nghymru Dewi Sant
Please visit this page regularly as more events are yet to be confirmed. Our ParentPay page will also have further details on specific events.
For further information on future Term Dates and proposed INSET days, please visit the Vale of Glamorgan Council website.
Autumn Term 2023
5th Sept - 23rd Dec
Spring Term 2023
9th Jan - 31st March
Summer Term 2023
17th April - 24th July
4th: INSET Closure Day Annual Safeguarding
5th: Start of the Autumn term (NB Nursery staggered intake)
11th: INSET Closure Day
12th: Year 1 & Year 3: Meet the Teacher 4pm-4.30pm
13th: Year 2: Meet the Teacher 4pm-4.30pm
13th: Year 6: Meet the Teacher 3.45pm - 4.15pm
14th: Year 4:& Year 5 Meet the Teacher 4pm-4.30pm
18th: Reception: Meet the Teacher 4pm-4.30pm
19th: Nursery: Meet the Teacher 4pm-4.30pm
25th: Flu Nasal Spray Immunisation
25th: Harvest Festival
30th: Half Term Week
6th: Pupils return to school
11th: Remembrance Service
14th, 15th & 16th: Parent Consultations (Face to Face)
29th: Yr 5 Family Service 9.15am
7th: Save the Children Christmas Jumper & Christmas Lunch
12th: Nursery & Reception Christmas Concert
13th: Yr1 - Y3 Christmas Concert
14th: Y4 - Y6 Christmas Concert
18th: Nursery & Reception Christmas Party
19th: Yr1 & Yr2 Christmas Party
20th: Year 3 & Year 4 Christmas Party
21st: Year 5 & Year 6 Christmas Party
22nd: INSET Closure Day
8th: INSET Closure Day
22-26th: Cycling Proficiency Week - Yr 6
31st: Yr 2 Family Service
6th: Reception, Yr2 & Yr5 Book Look
7th: Y1 & Yr2 Book Look
7th: Yr4 Family Service 9.15am
8th: Yr1 & Yr3 Book Look
9th: Yr4 & Yr6 Book Look
12th-16th: Half term week
19th: Pupils Return to School
24th: School Choir Concert
1st: Eisteddfod for St David's Day
11th, 12th & 13th: Parent Consultations (Online)
18th-22nd: Year 4 & Year 5 Swimming Week
20th: Reception Family Service & Easter Bonnet Parade 9.15am
23rd: End of Spring Term
8th:Inset Closure Day
9th:Pupils return to school
6th: Bank Holiday
15th: Year 3 Family Service 9.15am
20th - 24th: Year 4 & Year 6 Swimming Week
27th: Whitsun Half Term Week
3rd: Pupils return to school
5th - 7th: Storey Arms Residential Y6
14th: Sports Day
26th: Yr1 Family Service 9.15am
27th: Transition "Move up" Day (Year 6 Transition Day - Cowbridge School)
12th: Reports to parents
15th: Year 6 Leavers' Service 6pm
19th: Year 6 Talent Show 2.30pm
19th: End of Summer Term
22th: Inset Closure Day