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Our Healthy School

The Healthy Schools Scheme is a Welsh Assembly Government Initiative, which aims to actively promote and protect Health. 


This includes all aspects of Health: physical, emotional, and mental and social, and the wellbeing of the whole school community.


St David’s actively encourages healthy lifestyles education.  We achieve this in many ways and have been awarded both Healthy School Status and the Active Marc.

Bwyd & Ffitrwydd
Food & Fitness

Sport is a high priority and pupils at St David’s are given the opportunity to use their bodies effectively by encouraging spatial awareness, balance, control and coordination and developing their gross and fine motor skills.   Children experience a wide range of sporting and recreational activities within and outside of school hours. As a result, the school is very successful at team events and has won many trophies.


Pupils have been involved in:

  • Playground zoning

  • Community sports programmes

  • Dragon Sports

  • Residential visits at Storey Arms

  • Completing SportsWales surveys

External providers also lead sessions with our pupils covering a wide range of physical activity. 

Mental & Emotional Health and Wellbeing

Well-being is at the heart of everything that we do in school. Our pupils' well-being is measured through observations of pupils involvement and interaction, regular written and digital questionnaires, logs of behaviour and bullying, monitoring of our "worry box" and discussions as part of circle time during lessons and Nurture classes.


Issues discussed may focus on:

  • Bullying

  • Conflict resolution

  • Bereavement, loss and separation

Ymarfer yr 'Wy a Llwy'.

Ymarfer yr 'Wy a Llwy'.

Practising the 'Egg and Spoon'.

Chwarae pêl droed

Chwarae pêl droed

Playing football

Bwyd iachus

Bwyd iachus

Healthy food

Platiau iach

Platiau iach

Healthy plates for our kitchen area.

'Daily Mile' bob wythnos

'Daily Mile' bob wythnos

Daily Mile

Cadw'n heini

Cadw'n heini

Keeping active

Gwneud cawl

Gwneud cawl

Making soup

Rydyn ni'n mwynhau chwarae rygbi!

Rydyn ni'n mwynhau chwarae rygbi!

Platiau iach

Platiau iach

Healthy plates for our kitchen area.

Gwneud goleudai

Gwneud goleudai

Making lighthouses out of fruit

Drawing Healthy Food.jpg

Drawing Healthy Food.jpg

Gwneud goleudai

Gwneud goleudai

Making lighthouses out of fruit

Platiau iach

Platiau iach

Healthy plates for our kitchen area.

Our Conservation Area

Our Conservation Area

Platiau iach

Platiau iach

Healthy plates for our kitchen area.

Look at them grow

Look at them grow

Mad for Mosaics

Mad for Mosaics

Platiau iach

Platiau iach

Healthy plates for our kitchen area.

Our Willow Tunnel

Our Willow Tunnel

Healthier lunchbox tips

Personal Development & Relationships


The school’s programme for sex education is linked with areas of the National Curriculum and a broad-based social education.

The main emphasis is on relationships and reflects the needs of pupils as they develop over the key stages. Parents may view the school’s policy and discuss teaching materials used.


When pupils reach Year 6, care is taken to match education provided to the maturity of the pupils involved. Parents are informed well in advance before lessons commence so that any concerns may be discussed with the Headteacher and parents are well prepared to respond to any questioning from their children.

External providers such a @AtalyFro and SPECTRUM also lead sessions with our pupils.


Siarad am ein gwaith

Siarad am ein gwaith

Talking about our work to our friends

Chwarae gyda ffrindiau newydd

Chwarae gyda ffrindiau newydd

Playing with new friends

Gweithio gydag eraill

Gweithio gydag eraill

Working with others in Enrichment

Chwarae gyda'n 'Buddies'

Chwarae gyda'n 'Buddies'

Playing with our 'Buddies'

Cymryd tro

Cymryd tro

Taking turns

Siarad am ein gwaith

Siarad am ein gwaith

Talking about our work to our friends

Bwyta gyda fy 'Buddy'.

Bwyta gyda fy 'Buddy'.

Eating with my 'Buddy'.

Bwyta gyda'n 'Buddies'.

Bwyta gyda'n 'Buddies'.

Eating with our 'Buddies'.


The Y6 School Council members are involved in the Governing Body's Health & Safety Audit of the premises.


Through the curriculum and via visits from our community policemen, RNLI, NSPCC, Fire service and trips to Crucial Crew, all other pupils are taught about:

  • safety in the home

  • road safety

  • water safety

  • sun safety

  • first aid

  • internet safety

  • relationships and sex education

  • fire safety

  • food safety

  • personal safety

Gwylio e-ddiogelwch yn Pentrebach

Gwylio e-ddiogelwch yn Pentrebach

Watching e-safety videos in our Welsh Assembly

Diogelwch ar y rhyngrwyd

Diogelwch ar y rhyngrwyd

Learning about our online neighbourhood

Rheolau chwarae

Rheolau chwarae

Play rules

Chwarae'n ddiogel

Chwarae'n ddiogel

Playing safely online in Reception

Wythnos Diogelwch Ffyrdd

Wythnos Diogelwch Ffyrdd

Road Safety Week


Enrichment Committee supporting the Healthy Heroes in their targets.  They successfully decorated the Daily Mile Tree, made motivating sayings to support runners and conducted a survey on lunchbox contents and schools lunch choices, considering the five food groups.  What a fabulous team they made.  Da iawn pawb!



Chwarae gêmau

Chwarae gêmau

Playing games

Ffotograffiaeth ddigidol

Ffotograffiaeth ddigidol

Digital photography

Ffotograffiaeth ddigidol

Ffotograffiaeth ddigidol

Digital photography

Plâtiau Bwyd Iach

Plâtiau Bwyd Iach

Healthy Food Plate

Ffotograffiaeth ddigidol

Ffotograffiaeth ddigidol

Digital photography

Plât Bwyd Iach

Plât Bwyd Iach

Healthy Food Plate

Bocs bwyd iach

Bocs bwyd iach

Healthy lunchbox

Dylunio posteri

Dylunio posteri

Designing posters

Dewisiadau iach

Dewisiadau iach

Healthy choices

Plâtiau Bwyd Iach

Plâtiau Bwyd Iach

Healthy Food Plate

The Daily Mile Tree

Dewisiadau iach

Dewisiadau iach

Healthy choices

Cefnogi rhedwyr

Cefnogi rhedwyr

Typing motivational phrases to support our Daily Mile runners

Blwch Poeni

Blwch Poeni

Worry Box



Painting poppies for Remembrance

Blwch Poeni

Blwch Poeni

Worry Box

Blwch Poeni

Blwch Poeni

Worry Box

Substance use
& misuse

The PSE Framework states that 'In addition to understanding positive health choices, learners should be aware of the potential risks of the use and misuse of legal and illegal substances.'


As part of the curriculum, our pupils learn about the dangers of:

  • Tobacco

  • Alcohol

  • Legal and illegal drugs

External providers such as @SchoolBeat (PCSO Community Police), @SwitchedOnLearn also lead sessions with our pupils.

Help Me Quit is the new name for HHS Wales services for parents wishing to stop smoking. follow the link or call 0800 085 2219



Beth i'w gwneud?

Beth i'w gwneud?

What do I say if I'm offered a cigarette? (Year 4)

Ddiogel neu'n anniogel?

Ddiogel neu'n anniogel?

Safe or unsafe? Talking about different types of liquids in Reception.

Ddiogel neu'n anniogel?

Ddiogel neu'n anniogel?

Safe or unsafe? Talking about different liquids in Reception.

Beth i'w gwneud?

Beth i'w gwneud?

What do I say if I'm offered a cigarette? (Year 4)

Ddiogel neu'n anniogel?

Ddiogel neu'n anniogel?

Safe or unsafe? Looking at different liquids in Reception.

Ddiogel neu'n anniogel?

Ddiogel neu'n anniogel?

Safe or unsafe? Looking at different liquids in Reception.


St David's has successfully achieved a third Platinum Flag Eco School award. Our children have developed the skills, knowledge, attitudes and values that help us preserve our planet for the future.


Pupils have:

  • Conducted environmental audits and litter picks

  • Set up an energy monitoring team

  • Improved the Conservation-Diversity area for wildlife

  • Promoted Fair Trade

  • Grown food in our gardens and are building a recycled plastic bottle greenhouse.


Our pupils:

  • Bring water bottles to school and refill them from the water fountains

  • Grow and cook fruit and vegetables

  • Learn about healthy food in the Curriculum

  • Bring Healthy snacks and Lunchbox to school 

  • Have visits from the dentist and learn about the dangers of sugary drinks and snacks

  • Are encouraged to choose healthy rewards

Dyfrio'r planhigion

Dyfrio'r planhigion

Watering the plants

Tacluso'r ardd

Tacluso'r ardd

Tidying the garden

Tacluso'r ardd

Tacluso'r ardd

Tidying the garden

Plannu bylbiau

Plannu bylbiau

Planting bulbs

Cawl malwod

Cawl malwod

Reception making 'Snail Soup' for our snails in the garden.

Cawl malwod

Cawl malwod

Reception making 'Snail Soup' for our snails in the garden.

Cawl malwod

Cawl malwod

Reception making 'Snail Soup' for the snails in our garden.


In schools, where children are in close and frequent contact with each other, infectious diseases can spread rapidly and interrupt the schooling of affected pupils.  


From an early age, we reinforce hand washing, using tissues and covering mouths when coughing or sneezing so that it becomes second nature to children. To further reduce the risk of outbreaks, the school ensures infectious children and staff do not return to school before guidelines dictate.


Golchi dwylo

Golchi dwylo

Washing hands

Address: St David's C/W Primary School, Colwinston, Cowbridge, Vale of Glamorgan CF71 7NL, UK.

Tel: 01656 656447 Email:

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